Make a Payment Online

The following can be paid online at Point & Pay with a credit or debit card, or by electronic check (fees apply)

*Property Taxes
*Special Assessments
*Personal Property Taxes
*Pet License

You may also call Point & Pay at 1-844-904-2259 to pay the following (fees apply)

*Property Taxes
*Personal Property Taxes

Municipal Court Fees CANNOT be paid through this link.  Please go to the Municipal Court section under Village Departments for payment information.

Select the payment description from the drop down box and continue to follow instructions.  You will need your parcel identification number (PIN) for property tax, special assessment and personal property tax payments to ensure proper credit.  For all other payments, please enter your first and last name for identification purposes.

**There is a fee for using this service.  Card payment services carry a 2.39% processing fee for tax payments and 2.5% for all other payments or a minimum of $2.00 per transaction.  American Express, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover are accepted.

**For echeck payments, the fee is $1.50 for payments up to $10,000, and $10.00 for payments over $10,000.

If you should have any questions, you may call the Village Hall at 715-386-5141.

***No credit card or electronic check payments will be accepted online or in-person for tax payments after January 31st***